Sandra Geisler has dedicated her life to understanding the connection between illness, trauma, stress and society. With this she really wants to make a difference for vulnerable people, victims and their loved ones. With LIGHTHORSE Foundation she uses her innovative and effective transformation methodology. This helps to transform from survival to life by breaking old (limiting) patterns, (re)discovering true potential, developing new effective behavior and achieving desired circumstances and results. Instead of analyzing, talking and labeling, we help transform the origins of the pattern from which the disturbing behaviors and diseases arise.
Major social challenges such as depression, addiction, labels, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, are developing at breakneck speed as a result of an increasing level of stress and a flaw in the system, namely the way in which the challenges are viewed and how these are approached. By transforming and sustainably breaking patterns, a sustainable society can be shaped; from individual to collective transformation with more unity, wholeness and connection.
To this end, LIGHTHORSE Foundation focuses on informing and connecting, supporting and researching at home and abroad.
You can contribute by donating or working with us as an organization.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation helps less fortunate people with a traumatic experience who are stuck to increase the quality of life. A life that is not dominated by victimhood and/or limitations, but based on one’s own resilience and with the right support instead of quick fixes.
Sexual abuse, domestic violence, AD(H)D, PTSD, depression
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LIGHTHORSE Foundation helps less fortunate people with a traumatic experience who are stuck to increase the quality of life based on the themes of the foundation and the Transformation methodology.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation organizes workshops and intensive development processes.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation provides information about the current state of affairs and the transformation methodology, promotes its application by (victim) assistance organizations, institutions and healthcare professionals and stimulates mutual cooperation and connection.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation organizes meetings, lectures and training.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation promotes scientific research, validating, further developing and making the transformation methodology widely applicable.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation enters into partnerships with institutes, universities, professors and researchers to exchange knowledge, promote scientific research, validate, further develop and make the transformation methodology widely applicable.
Your contribution to LIGHTHORSE Foundation has a powerful impact on the goals and mission we pursue. Whether it concerns supporting the programs, providing information or research. Your donation can make a difference. It is part of a larger picture of solidarity and philanthropy, where individuals contribute to the well-being of others and positive change in the world. Together we make a difference.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation obtains income through gifts, donations, subsidies, sponsorship contributions, inheritances and legacies. LIGHTHORSE Foundation only uses socially accepted recruitment methods and is careful when engaging third parties to raise financial resources.
LIGHTHORSE Foundation is a non-profit organization.